Stanisław Car lived in Łukawica near Lesko. From autumn 1940 German occupation authorities directed local Jews to the labour camp in nearby Zasław; among the displaced persons there was a Jewess Anna Manaster originally from the village Orelec. During the forced labour in the sawmill in Łukawica Anna met Stanisław Car who delivered her additional food and warm clothing since then. When in 1943 Germans began the deportation of Jews from Zasław to the extermination camp at Bełżec, Stanisław organized Anna’s escape to his house in Łukawica where he was hiding her till June 1944. When further Anna’s stay in that place became risky because of the risk of denunciation from neighbours, Car sent her to Józef Zwonarz living in Lesko. In the new hiding place Anna Manaster met her sister Jafa Wallach (nee Manaster) and brother-in-law Natan Wallach. She also spent several weeks in the forester’s cottage situated near the Bezmiechowa village at the Kąkol family who hid Rena Wallach (later Bernstein), daughter of Natan and Jafa. After the war Anna Manaster left for the USA, wrote letters to Stanisław Car and helped him financially.
On Jan. 21, 1988 Stanisław Car was decorated with the medal of the “Righteous among the Nations”.
- Stanisław Car, son of Stefan and Maria nee Stangret (Feb. 24, 1918 – July 20, 1995).
- Anna Manaster at the grave of her mother, Rachela Manaster in the cemetery in Lesko in 1946.