17 October 2020

A new temporary limit of people who can stay inside the Museum at the same time

Logo Muzeum Polaków Ratujących Żydów. Po lewej stronie schematycznie wyrysowane domy czerwony i czarny, splecione jak ogniwa łańcucha. Czarny element jest obrócony do góry nogami. Po prawej stronie pełna nazwa muzeum rozbita na pięć wersów tekstu.

EDIT: Due to the fact that the whole of Poland has been subject to the restrictions of the red zone – the limit below is maintained.

From October 17 Łańcut district is in the red zone. Therefore, at the Museum of Poles Saving Jews, no more than 10 visitors may be inside the Museum at the same time.

The limit applies to visitors individually and in organized groups. The limit is valid until further notice.

The remaining provisions of the Temporary Rules of Visiting remain unchanged.

We apologize for inconveniences.

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