The authors of the exhibition, taking the tragic history of the Ulma family as the starting point for their narrative, describe other examples of rescuing Jews and present, for example, the map of the localities in the Podkarpackie region, where Jews were harboured by Poles…

TITLE: Samaritans from Markowa. The Ulmas – Polish family murdered by German occupants for helping Jewish people
MADE IN: 2016
LANGUAGE: Polish – English

DESCRIPTION: The exhibition is about the tragic history of the Ulma family and examples of saving Jews in the Podkarpackie region. There are documents and photos illustrating the history of the Polish and Jewish community during German occupation in Poland (in Poland, people helping Jews were subject to the death penalty). There are also documents from the beatification process of the Ulma family and a diploma granting Victoria and Józef the title of Righteous Among the Nations.


  • elements: 20 boards made of PVC boards with self-adhesive foil (Museum of Poles Saving Jews does not provide a mounting system – see point below)
    • dimension of the board – height 100 cm, width 70 cm, thickness 0,5 cm
  • assembly: non-invasive assembly systems or other (necessity of prior consultation with the Museum of Poles Saving Jews)
  • outdoor presentation possibility

FEES: insurance, transport costs
DURATION OF THE LENDING: determined individually

ORGANIZER: Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Podkarpackiego and Oddział Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Krakowie
PARTNER: Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP

AUTHORS OF TEXTS: Mateusz Szpytma

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Marcin Krzanicki

The first version of the exhibition: made in 2010 – on the occasion of the social and educational campaign ‘Życie za Życie’ / organizer: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Centralna Biblioteka Rolnicza (CBR), Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego, Narodowe Centrum Kultury / authors of texts: Mateusz Szpytma / graphic design: Dominik Wasilewski

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