‘On your soil I was destined to sing the song of your land’. Stories of Eminent Figures of Jewish Origin from the Podkarpacie Region

For most of them, this region was nothing more than a country of ancestors or a country of their childhood, often perceived from the perspective of the Holocaust as a ‘lost paradise’, but also as a land stained with blood. Most of them, in the era of migration, make their careers abroad, and only few decide to become permanently connected with Podkarpacie. The presented characters, apart from their Jewish and Podkarpacie origins, have one more thing in common: their passion and pursuit of their dreams. Presented biographies are the history of fighting against the adversities of fate and the history of turning defeats into success…

– the exhibition accompanying the Festival “W samo południe. Fred Zinnemann wraca do Rzeszowa”

TITLE: ‘On your soil I was destined to sing the song of your land’. Stories of eminent figures of Jewish origin from the Podkarpacie region
MADE IN: 2018
LANGUAGE: Polish – English

DESCRIPTION: The exhibition is about people of Jewish origin, coming from Podkarpacie, who achieved international success. There are 19 character presented at the exhibition: Fred Zinnemann, Sam Spiegel, Roman Harte, Eli Wallach, Arthur Miller, Leon Wiesenfeld, Kalman Segal, Berish Weinstein, Nauchum Sternheim, Eliasz Kanarek, Alojzy ‘Alex’ Ehrlich, Helena Deutsch, Abraham Arden Brill, Izydor Izaak Rabi, Jakob Jan Laub, Juliusz Kühl. Each character is accompanied by a portrait. The biographies were divided into two thematic blocks: biographical note and artistic achievements. There are additional information in the form of iconographic sources, graphics and quotes at the boards.


  • elements: 18 boards made of PVC boards with self-adhesive foil (Museum of Poles Saving Jews does not provide a mounting system – see point below)
    • dimension of the board – height 90 cm, width 120 cm, thickness 0,5 cm
  • assembly: non-invasive assembly systems or other (necessity of prior consultation with the Museum of Poles Saving Jews)
  • outdoor presentation possibility

FEES: insurance, transport costs
DURATION OF THE LENDING: determined individually

ORGANIZER: The Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II

AUTHORS OF TEXTS: Kamil Kopera, Jakub Pawłowski, Anna Stróż
PRODUCTION COORDINATORS: Marcin Zgłobiś, Karolina Woźniak

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Pro Human Design, Kraków

Thank you to everyone who helped in the process of creating the exhibition, especially: Monice Harte, Michele Lowy Seligmann, Fundacji na Rzecz Kultury „Walizka” / kalmansegal.pl, Fundacji Archivum Helveto-Polonicum, Ambasadzie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Bernie, Międzynarodowej Fundacji Muzycznej im. Artura Rubinsteina w Łodzi, Archiwum Państwowemu w Przemyślu, Archiwum Państwowemu w Rzeszowie, Muzeum Okręgowemu w Rzeszowie

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