Exhibition on tour
‘Was there any way to help them in this desolation?’ Rescue of Jews in occupied Poland
“Were the Jews more desolate than other people dying? They were -although this is a statement beyond human understanding. Was there any way to help them in this desolation? Certainly yes, but only a few and to a very limited extent. There were people who tried to do it”.
– Władysław Bartoszewski
TITLE: ‘Was there any way to help them in this desolation?’ Rescue of Jews in occupied Poland
MADE IN: 2020
LANGUAGE: Polish – English
DESCRIPTION: The exhibition is devoted to the issue of polish help to Jewish people during WWII. By showing the realities of the Holocaust in occupied Poland – from the German invasion in 1939, through the implementation of the plan of the extermination of Jews by the occupier, to the end of the war – it presents the individual stories of the Rescued and Rescuers and their dramatic choices. There are additional information in the form of iconographic sources, graphics and quotes at the boards.
- elements: 18 boards made of PVC boards with self-adhesive foil (Museum of Poles Saving Jews does not provide a mounting system – see point below)
- dimension of the board – height 194 cm, width 120 cm, thickness 0,5 cm
- assembly: non-invasive assembly systems or other (necessity of prior consultation with the Museum of Poles Saving Jews)
- outdoor presentation possibility
FEES: insurance, transport costs
DURATION OF THE LEND: determined individually
ORGANIZER: The Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II
AUTHORS OF TEXTS: Kamil Kopera, Anna Stróż-Pawłowska
THE ILLUSTRATIONS FROM THE FOLLOWING COLLECTIONS WERE USED: i.a. Museum of Poles Saving Jews, Central Archives of Modern Records, State Archive in Rzeszów, PANDA Foundation / Municipal Zoological Garden in Warsaw, National Museum of the Przemyśl Land, Museum of Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich
Exhibition on tour
Righteous Insurgents ‘44
Warsaw insurgents can and must be perceived from many perspectives. We choose our own by focusing on those who, apart from insurgent experience, can pride themselves on their help given to the Jews condemned to extermination by the occupier. There are so many conditions that make the selected characters differ from one another: age, gender, social origin, political views, interests, etc. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to see some common denominators: loyalty to universal values, nonconformity, commitment and responsibility. The presented biographies are stories of double fight. The first is a direct struggle against the German occupier, the second is a fight against the occupier, clandestine and secret. And both fights were a sign of concern for disadvantaged fellow citizens and for homeland. Both were carried out with a sense of helplessness, anger and omnipresent fear. In any case, the real price for opposing the ongoing harm was death. In the background it still remained Poland which had been devastated during several years of occupation, and still have been struggling with the Nazi and Soviet enemy…
– the exhibition on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising
TITLE: Righteous Insurgents ’44
MADE IN: 2019
LANGUAGE: Polish – English
DESCRIPTION: The exhibition is about Polish Righteous Among the Nations, who are also the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. There are 19 characters presented at the exhibition: Władysław Bartoszewski, Jadwiga Boczar, Aniela Cieszkowska, Jan Dobraczyński, Mieczysław Fogg, Zofia Franio, Tadeusz Gebethner, Eugeniusz Guzek, Aleksander Kamiński, Irena i Feliks Kanabusowie, Tadeusz Kern-Jędrychowski, Zofia Kossak, Kazimierz Leski, Irena Sendlerowa, Stanisław Steczkowski, Feliks Widy-Wirski, Wacław Zagórski and Jan Żabiński. Each character is accompanied by a portrait. The biographies were divided into two theme blocks: the fight stage in the Warsaw Uprising and the episode of saving Jews during World War II, awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations. There are additional information in the form of iconographic sources, graphics and quotes at the boards.
- elements: 20 boards made of PVC boards with self-adhesive foil (Museum of Poles Saving Jews does not provide a mounting system – see point below)
- dimension of the board – height 120 cm, width 100 cm, thickness 0,5 cm
- assembly: non-invasive assembly systems or other (necessity of prior consultation with the Museum of Poles Saving Jews)
- outdoor presentation possibility
FEES: insurance, transport costs
DURATION OF THE LEND: determined individually
ORGANIZER: The Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II
AUTHORS OF TEXTS: Kamil Kopera, Jakub Pawłowski, Anna Stróż-Pawłowska
PRODUCTION COORDINATORS: Katarzyna Nowicka, Marcin Zgłobiś
THE ILLUSTRATIONS FROM THE FOLLOWING COLLECTIONS WERE USED: Muzeum Polaków Ratujących Żydów podczas II wojny światowej im. Rodziny Ulmów w Markowej, Archiwum Rodziny Trzeciaków, Beit Lohamei Haghetaot/Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum, Miejski Ogród Zoologiczny w Warszawie, Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego w Warszawie, Muzeum Sportu i Turystyki w Warszawie, Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe
Exhibition on tour
‘On your soil I was destined to sing the song of your land’. Stories of Eminent Figures of Jewish Origin from the Podkarpacie Region
For most of them, this region was nothing more than a country of ancestors or a country of their childhood, often perceived from the perspective of the Holocaust as a ‘lost paradise’, but also as a land stained with blood. Most of them, in the era of migration, make their careers abroad, and only few decide to become permanently connected with Podkarpacie. The presented characters, apart from their Jewish and Podkarpacie origins, have one more thing in common: their passion and pursuit of their dreams. Presented biographies are the history of fighting against the adversities of fate and the history of turning defeats into success…
– the exhibition accompanying the Festival “W samo południe. Fred Zinnemann wraca do Rzeszowa”
TITLE: ‘On your soil I was destined to sing the song of your land’. Stories of eminent figures of Jewish origin from the Podkarpacie region
MADE IN: 2018
LANGUAGE: Polish – English
DESCRIPTION: The exhibition is about people of Jewish origin, coming from Podkarpacie, who achieved international success. There are 19 character presented at the exhibition: Fred Zinnemann, Sam Spiegel, Roman Harte, Eli Wallach, Arthur Miller, Leon Wiesenfeld, Kalman Segal, Berish Weinstein, Nauchum Sternheim, Eliasz Kanarek, Alojzy ‘Alex’ Ehrlich, Helena Deutsch, Abraham Arden Brill, Izydor Izaak Rabi, Jakob Jan Laub, Juliusz Kühl. Each character is accompanied by a portrait. The biographies were divided into two thematic blocks: biographical note and artistic achievements. There are additional information in the form of iconographic sources, graphics and quotes at the boards.
- elements: 18 boards made of PVC boards with self-adhesive foil (Museum of Poles Saving Jews does not provide a mounting system – see point below)
- dimension of the board – height 90 cm, width 120 cm, thickness 0,5 cm
- assembly: non-invasive assembly systems or other (necessity of prior consultation with the Museum of Poles Saving Jews)
- outdoor presentation possibility
FEES: insurance, transport costs
DURATION OF THE LENDING: determined individually
ORGANIZER: The Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jews in World War II
AUTHORS OF TEXTS: Kamil Kopera, Jakub Pawłowski, Anna Stróż
PRODUCTION COORDINATORS: Marcin Zgłobiś, Karolina Woźniak
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Pro Human Design, Kraków
Thank you to everyone who helped in the process of creating the exhibition, especially: Monice Harte, Michele Lowy Seligmann, Fundacji na Rzecz Kultury „Walizka” / kalmansegal.pl, Fundacji Archivum Helveto-Polonicum, Ambasadzie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Bernie, Międzynarodowej Fundacji Muzycznej im. Artura Rubinsteina w Łodzi, Archiwum Państwowemu w Przemyślu, Archiwum Państwowemu w Rzeszowie, Muzeum Okręgowemu w Rzeszowie
Exhibition on tour
The authors of the exhibition, taking the tragic history of the Ulma family as the starting point for their narrative, describe other examples of rescuing Jews and present, for example, the map of the localities in the Podkarpackie region, where Jews were harboured by Poles…
TITLE: Samaritans from Markowa. The Ulmas – Polish family murdered by German occupants for helping Jewish people
MADE IN: 2016
LANGUAGE: Polish – English
DESCRIPTION: The exhibition is about the tragic history of the Ulma family and examples of saving Jews in the Podkarpackie region. There are documents and photos illustrating the history of the Polish and Jewish community during German occupation in Poland (in Poland, people helping Jews were subject to the death penalty). There are also documents from the beatification process of the Ulma family and a diploma granting Victoria and Józef the title of Righteous Among the Nations.
- elements: 20 boards made of PVC boards with self-adhesive foil (Museum of Poles Saving Jews does not provide a mounting system – see point below)
- dimension of the board – height 100 cm, width 70 cm, thickness 0,5 cm
- assembly: non-invasive assembly systems or other (necessity of prior consultation with the Museum of Poles Saving Jews)
- outdoor presentation possibility
FEES: insurance, transport costs
DURATION OF THE LENDING: determined individually
ORGANIZER: Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Podkarpackiego and Oddział Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Krakowie
PARTNER: Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP
AUTHORS OF TEXTS: Mateusz Szpytma
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Marcin Krzanicki
The first version of the exhibition: made in 2010 – on the occasion of the social and educational campaign ‘Życie za Życie’ / organizer: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Centralna Biblioteka Rolnicza (CBR), Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego, Narodowe Centrum Kultury / authors of texts: Mateusz Szpytma / graphic design: Dominik Wasilewski